Final Exam

During this spring semester, my ability to analyze arguments has been challenged and enhanced. Coming into English 1020 I considered myself pretty good at analyzing arguments and information presented to me. However, I soon discovered that my analytical skills could be greatly improved. Typically, analysis is thought to be the connections of each detail; we usually just play connect the dots with the information that we have until we have a common understanding of the meaning. While, this method allows us to reach a reasonable conclusion, a more in-depth meaning can often be found and is at the heart of a work. After broadening my analytical horizons, I am able to find a deeper meaning behind an argument and develop my own persuasive arguments.

My first eye-opening area about arguments took place in the ad analysis essay. Within this paper, the elements of persuasive appeals played a key role. The elements of persuasive appeals are important because they essentially communicate the significance and importance of the argument. Before understanding these elements and the ad analysis paper, I did not realize the effect and power rhetorical appeals have on consumers, and even me. I never understood why certain advertisements appealed to me and the hold they had on the decisions that I have made. Advertisers use rhetorical appeals to communicate to the consumer’s logic, emotions, and ethically sound perspectives. I now understand that advertisers use every aspect of their advertisement to appeal to their audience; this includes not only the design, writing, spokes model choices, and images, but also the small details like the shape of a background object to appeal to the audience. By understanding these elements and appeals, I can target my audience more personally through my argument by appealing to them logically, ethically, and emotionally. This technique becomes important in my everyday work environment; by observing the children’s reactions, family atmospheres, and behavior patterns, I am able to persuade the child to listen, behave, and participate in activities by appealing to their emotions of what they want. This also comes into play at staff meetings when I am presenting my opinions and ideas. By personally involving myself with coworkers and addressing how the solutions would work in their everyday classroom environment, I can develop my argument to appeal to them in a logical, emotional, and ethical way in order to gain their support and agreement for the problems at hand.

To further my effectiveness in arguments, I dissected and develop the art of questioning. In class, we looked at the Monty Python “She’s a Witch” video clip. In this video clip, the town authority asked a sequence of serious questions to discover the root of townspeople’s argument about why this woman is a witch. After a few questions, the town authority began to realize the flaws of the townspeople logic. This class activity allowed us to discuss and see the importance of distinguishing logical fallacies and legitimate reasoning. This ability is used daily when working at a preschool. By using the art of questioning, I am able to discover two different sides of the story and distinguish which is the truth. This is also important in everyday decisions; we are able to reason out flawed opinions and arguments by theoretically applying them to everyday life and questioning the outcomes.

Overall, this skills learned and developed in this class have enhanced my abilities to distinguish arguments and develop my own and help make every day decisions. Though many times I was ready to quit, my perseverance has allowed me to not only be tested mentally, but now I can be tested in the psychical world by how I apply my new and developed knowledge to future issues.

divorce annotated bib 5


Kids Against Divorce

Title of Chapter Article, or Web page:

“Ducks in a Row”

This source is from:


Search words used to find this article or web site:

Children of divorce speaking; anti-divorce

What did you learn from this source that you did not know before? List any ideas, facts, background, insights, etc. that you might use in the paper.

This website provides insight to what children of divorce are saying and what we can do to help. This article on the website discusses the importance and responsibility that religious leaders that lead marriage ceremonies have. It provides statistics of divorce rates as well as domestic partnership rates.

This information provides statistical back up for my argument and interesting insight that I can use as a surplus of examples for my essay.

Compelling direct quotations:

  1. “The lack of a clear message from our religious leaders plays a role in the epidemic that is more than 4,000 new children of divorce each day in the USA.”

–          This takes some of the blame away from divorcing parents and brings it to the religious leaders that ordained the marriage. This allows for a second opinion of the blame and supports both my argument and counterarguments for marriage laws to be tightened and the importance of marriage being considered if the divorce laws were tightened.

  1. “We need all of our religious leaders to speak with one God honoring voice on this devastating cultural and spiritual issue. We believe that a truly God-honoring approach to getting there would be for all religious leaders to pause, put aside opinions and interpretations on divorce and remarriage to reflect on them, and lead us in a National Year of Prayer for Marriage wherein they say nothing other than what they all agree on – God’s plan for marriage is permanence as stated in Genesis.”

–          This appeals to the ethical perspective of the issue of divorce, even though in reality the issue is completely ethical. It allows reflection on the degree that the marriage counsel has on the divorce issue and importance of the originality of marriage and its purpose.

How did you determine the reliability /credibility of this source?

This article is from an organizations webpage that has been founded to be the voice of children of divorce. The credibility of the article comes from the organization and its purpose. 

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 Chris Gersten & Beverly Willett

Title of Chapter Article, or Web page:

The Parental Divorce Reduction Act

This source is from:

A website –

Search words used to find this article or web site:

The debate against divorce; divorce laws

What did you learn from this source that you did not know before? List any ideas, facts, background, insights, etc. that you might use in the paper.

I learned all about this divorce reduction act and what exactly it aims to do. The divorce act is trying to make divorce harder for those with children under the age of 18. The divorce reduction act requires parents to participate in divorce education classes, and go through an eight month reconciliation period.

This information allows me to have an example of one act already trying to tighten divorce laws and other ideas aside from my own on how to tighten them.

Compelling direct quotations:

  1. “The legislation is budget neutral, requiring the divorcing parties to pay for the cost of the divorce education. TANF funds, when available, may be used to help defray the divorce education fees for the indigent. The cost to the couple should be modest and not exceed $100-200.”

–          This quote allowed me to recognize a reasonable pricing for the classes. That amount is completely reasonable, because if you think about it, a divorce is a lot more than $100- $200 especially when you involve the children and child support.

How did you determine the reliability /credibility of this source?

Both authors are co-chairs of the Coalition for Divorce Reform, which institutes their level of authority within an organization. Beverly Willett is also an author and attorney, while Gersten previously held a high position in administration of the Department of Health and Human Services. 

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First: Lesley

Last: Foulkes-Jamison

Title of Chapter Article, or Web page:

“The Effects of Divorce on Children”

This source is from:

 A website (database) – Clinical Psychology Associates of North Central Florida (

Search words used to find this article or web site:

 Effects of divorce on children

What did you learn from this source that you did not know before? List any ideas, facts, background, insights, etc. that you might use in the paper.

I learned a lot about the different age groups reactions; children ages 6-8 usually fanaticize about fixing the divorce between the parents and experience intense grief while older children just voice their opinion and take sides.

Compelling direct quotations:

  1. “Some things that you can do to enhance a child’s adjustment are the following…(the list of suggestions).”

–          The list of suggestions to aiding a children coping with a divorce is informative and useful for parents and psychologist that may not know the way to address the issue. I will use this information to connect to some of the suggestions being mentioned as problematic points in the others’ articles and to focus on Jamison’s use of these suggestions.

How did you determine the reliability /credibility of this source?

I determined the credibility of this source because first, the database is from a group of psychologists, and second, Lesley Foulkes-Jamison has her Ph.D. in psychology and works for a private practice. .


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First: Robert

Last: Hughes

Title of Chapter Article, or Web page:

“The Effects of Divorce on Children”

This source is from:

 A website (database) – Parenting 24/7

Search words used to find this article or web site:

 Effects of divorce on children

What did you learn from this source that you did not know before? List any ideas, facts, background, insights, etc. that you might use in the paper.

I learned a lot about the causes of why children are affected the way they are after divorce, the relatively small divorce between children from divorced families and children from intact families, and the amount of affect that divorce has on the children.

Compelling direct quotations:

  1. “What are the factors in divorcing families that contribute to children having difficulties and what are the factors that foster children’s adaptation?”

–          This direct quote shows the different perspective that Hughes brings to the conversation. I can use this to address her different perspective more focused on the cause and amount of effect divorce has on children rather than just the effects.

  1. “Post-divorce conflict has a strong influence on children’s adjustment.”

–          This is another area that the other articles don’t reference and using this quote and information surround this quote, I can thoroughly discuss another aspect of the effects of divorce on children that the other authors do not address.  

How did you determine the reliability /credibility of this source?

This database is a helpful parenting website with articles from psychologist, medical researchers, and parents. I determined that this article was credible because of the references used were included which means that the author gives credit where credit is due. I also determine credibility because Hughes is has his PhD as well.  

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First: Marsh

Last: Fightlin

Title of Chapter Article, or Web page:

“The Effects of Divorce on Children”

This source is from:

 A website (database) – Catholic Stand (

Search words used to find this article or web site:

 Effects of divorce on children

What did you learn from this source that you did not know before? List any ideas, facts, background, insights, etc. that you might use in the paper.

I learned that Judith Smith was the first to investigate the effects of divorce on children through the eyes of children rather than the adults and that before the 1907s effects on children were considered small.

I can use the discussion of the ethicality or morality of divorce in my paper.

Compelling direct quotations:

  1. “Our culture has already replaced the traditional view of marriage as oriented to the procreation and education of children with the romantic view of marriage as “two people who are very much in love.”

–          Fightlin’s address to the romanticized mindset of marriage portrays what has already changed and altered the view of traditional marriage that has now even become even more distorted because of divorce.

  1. “In the vast majority of cases, the question should not simply be, “what do I want?” it should be, “What is in the best interest of all those involved?”

–          This quotation is a direct hit on what makes Fightlin’s article different and what he brings to the conversation, the ethical appeal. By questioning the reader and the logistics of divorce, he questions the morality and ethicality of the situation. 

How did you determine the reliability /credibility of this source?

Marsh Fightlin is a registered psychologist that works at a mental clinic. His background allows credibility to his Ph.D.

Before I thought… After I thought

Before I researched the topic of religion and spirituality, I was close-minded in my own personal beliefs on the topic. I believed that religion is something we create and that spirituality is a personal relationship with our creator. In turn I do still believe this. However, researching this topic and reading and analyzing what others have to say has broadened my perspective.  Since two of the articles I researched were by high religious officials, it took their insight quite seriously. The last article by Father Frank Provone was probably the most agreeable one, although, to agree to some degree with all of them. His explanation about the difference between a good human and a strong believer is almost exactly on track with my own personal beliefs. Therefore, after researching this topic I still have the same beliefs, just a broader perspective. 

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Pavone, Father Frank. “Religious practices foster spiritual life .”Washington Post . (2011): n. page. Web. 27 Mar. 2013.

Father Frank Pavone’s article “Religious practices foster spiritual life” goes through a series of questions and explanations to connect religious practices, ‘Christianity’, and the differences between a good person and a Christian. He begins with an excerpt from a speech given by the Dalai Lama. He then begins his own conversation with a question concerning the practicing of certain religious practices without being that religion. Then, Pavone goes into a brief discussion concerning the different practices of different religions and how true these aspects of these religions are. In the next few paragraphs, Father Frank discusses the difference between being a “religious believer” and “a good human being”. I could use different aspects from his discussion to further reiterate on my own personal belief about how good humans are not necessarily believers and vice versa. I could also use this to introduce different studies about such human behavior related to beliefs. In his final paragraph, he discusses humans being the sons and daughters of God. I could use his reference to be biblically supported and to further my beliefs. 

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Chumley, Norris J. “Religious Versus Spiritual?.” Huffington Post. 23 Mar 2010: n. page. Web. 25 Mar. 2013.


This publication by Norris Chumley compares the meaning of religious and spiritual as it explores different research materials. Chumley first addresses the ‘trend’ of picking either spirituality or religious affiliation. Then Chumley explores a poll done by Pew Forum, as well as his own research. I could use the research polls he has taken and the polls he has referenced and provide comparison, then continue with a discussion about the results. Chumley continues his discussion by exploring the real meaning of being “religious ”or “spiritual.” I could use this part of his discussion as a comparative aspect of what others such as Wolpe have said about the subject. Chumley then references another poll done by Pew Forum and leaves the reader with a question of if we belong to a religious community of the internet? I could use his question to analyze different communities that we unknowingly belong to. 

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Wolpe, Rabbi David. “Viewpoint: The Limitations of Being ‘Spiritual but not Religious’.” TIME Magazine. 21 mar 2013: n. page. Web. 25 Mar. 2013. 


This publication, but Rabbi David Wolpe explores his insight on the preference of spirituality instead of religion my many people.  Wolpe discusses both the positive and negative sides of religious institutions and their purpose. He then also provides comparison for the positive side in different life situations. For example, he asks that if books are enough, why have institutions? Making a comparison saying that if spirituality is enough, why have church and religious institutions. Wolpe also discusses the difference between spirituality and religion. I could use much of what he references here to reiterate the difference that people are fighting for against religion. Rabbi ends after making his point or statement that joining a community or religious institution does not mean you have to agree with all the opinions and practices of that group. This point could be used for institutions if I chose to go that way. Overall, Rabbi Wolpe’s publication is helpful and brings in great opinion and insight.